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Chair for Digital Health - Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal

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Generative AI & EU Act conference

​27 June 2023 

The Chair of Digital Health hosted the conference "Generative KI und der EU AI Act" from 25 June to 28 June 2023. Fifteen international scientists from nine nations, from India to the USA, followed the invitation of the University of Bayreuth and the Hightech Agenda Bavaria and came to the science center Kloster Speinshart which is currently being established. 

The conference's topic was the European legistlative progress on AI: the EU AI Act. Kai Zenner from Brussels kicked off the event and provided an overview of the genesis of the law and pointed out its current challenges. Following up on this, the topics of copyright, human rights, governance models of data, civil society participation in the development of AI systems and much more have been discussed in order to develop possible recommandations for the regulation of AI. The results shall be published shortly. 

Please find a short interview with Prof. Dr. Aldo Faisal by OTV: OTV Interview

The accommodation in the monastery's inn and surroundings enabled the exclusive group of participants to engage in an intensive exchange between the disciplines of philosophy, political science, machine learning and law. The scientists emphasised the interdiciplinary cooperation, as a picture of technological change can only be sketched and researched in an interdisciplinary approach. 

TV Spot: Youtube

There are further conferences in connection with "Creativity and AI" sowie "KI within Healthcare" in the pipeline. 

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